I went to Comic Con yesterday with my friends Cindy and Carlos. It was nerdtastic! We left around 5:45am to drive to San Diego for the event (we live about an hour and 45 minutes away). Registration went by way quicker than I was anticipating and we grabbed our first piece of swag: The Comic Con Bag (picture to come). Luckily, we were all able to get the one for Batman: Arkham City (others were stuck with Supernatural or other not-as-cool ones, even though I was hoping for the Justice League bag).
Getting into the convention center was equitable with being in a huge crowd of people who were trying to run away from a massive hoard of zombies. Think stampede. Once inside, it didn't get much better. Think Tokyo subway terminal.
Alas, this was what I was expecting. Rubbing up against fellow nerds and fighting to snatch up super cool freebies. What I wasn't expecting: not being able to see any panels. The lines were redunkulous and most of the people in them had been there since the doors opened. We decided to make our way to the booths we wanted to see most and then squeeze our way through to the others. Next time I'm thinking wait in line to see the panel I want to see most first, then fight my way to the booths. Even though we hit the booths we wanted to see most first, the swag we wanted to get had already been given away or sold the previous days. Big bummer. Next time I'm thinking go on Friday versus Saturday or maybe even Preview Night and Friday night and turn it into a mini vacation of sorts. But that's only if I'm able to get tickets like I was lucky enough to this year.
It was actually pretty tough to capture good shots of anything considering there were a bajillion people trying to do the same thing and I kept getting jostled around by passerby, but I snapped a few shots before storing my poor Nikon for good. Declan got a few scratches on her viewing screen. I'm very distraught about procrastinating and not buying her a screen protector. : ( Nevertheless, here are a few of the pictures I did take (Blogger minimizes them so you'll have to click on them for a better view).
Nananana Batman, Batman! Or should I say Lego Batman. : )
Halo's one of my favorite video games (no doubt I play this one the most) so when I saw these unreleased action figures I geeked out. I'd love to have the Spartan holding the rocket launcher.
I love Bleach (even though it's an extraordinarily long anime) and I wanted all of these action figures. They were incredibly detailed.
All I can say is: Hell yes.
The game on my to-buy list after Gears of War 3. People playing Resident Evil: Raccoon City. It looked badass.
I'll update this when I'm not as sleepy. ; )
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