Monday, November 22, 2010

Feeling better.

After talking more with my best friend and some others the feeling I was having is officially gone. Now all I am is thankful. But I took a nap earlier today which is why I'm wide awake at the moment and I've been reading over my old blog on Myspace. For fun, I decided I'd repost a few over the next few entries for pure entertainment purposes. Oh, young me, how much you've grown.

Jul 2, 2005
Current mood:blah

I dunno what this is, but I'm gonna use it as my "journal." People probably won't read this anyway so what the heck, right? Hehe, it's Saturday kids! I love Saturday. It's the best day of the week. New episodes of Inu, Samurai Champloo, and s-CRY-ed are comin on tonight! Yesh! Watch them, I can almost guarantee you'll like em. They're starting at 11:30 on adult swim. Besides that I'm bored. It's almost 4:50 and I've got to do some stuff for summer school...but I don't feel like it. Sigh. Ah well.


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