Tuesday, May 3, 2011

Day 28: What attracts you to someone.

A lot of things can attract me to someone.

Of course, there's being physically attracted to someone. From their build to their complexion, eye color. I'm a sucker for guys with nice arms and a nice smile.

Often times though, it will be something subtle that will have me reeling over a guy. From sharing a common love for a band (huuuge) to recognizing an odd thing I happen to be into, like a particular anime or game, or when they shoot me an irresistable smile I blush at (yikes). Sometimes I see them in their element, playing a sport or an instrument, and I get hooked. It's just raw and there's nothing hotter than seeing someone go at something passionately.

Honestly, it varies. I'm not a girl who has a "type." I just don't believe in them. Why limit yourself?

When it comes to being attracted on a deeper level...

I love a guy I can talk to comfortably, about anything. Whether it be politics, religion, current events or if they prefer milk over orange juice. They need to handle randomness: Would you be able to survive on an island for 40 days if someone said they'd rescue you after that time? I'm random as all else and I need a guy who embraces that. Otherwise, it just won't work. I need a guy that I don't feel stupid around if I act like a complete dork. Because that's who I am. I can be cheesy and not-so-suave and it's amazing when I meet a guy who's just as goofy as me and loves that I'm the way I am. Of course, that's a given.

We need to have fun no matter what we're doing and he has to be adventurous. Sure, we can stay in some days, but I'm all about creating experiences and need someone who shares that desire. Also, an understanding of God is key to me. It's hard to find nowadays but when it comes to connecting on a deeper level it's the most important thing. Like the last piece of a puzzel.

Now that I've gotten older, why I'm attracted to someone has tweaked somewhat. Ambition is wildly desirable. Someone who has a plan and goes through with it. I don't want all talk and no action. I won't accept it anymore.

But, that's all I can think of at the moment. I don't sound too outrageous I hope!

Can't believe I forgot this one: HUMOR. If you don't have a sense of humor you don't have a chance!

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